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Wednesday 5 December 2012 » 02:22 » 0 comments
Like seriously, aku rasa aku tak pernah ckap ni. But once, I said this. 
SUMPAH AKU SAYANG NAZIFAH, tibatiba teringat apa jasa jasa dia dekat aku 

Dia lah Nazifah :D Eventho aku tak rapat dgn dia :( 
Hahah, okay. You know why I sayang dia? 

Omg, dia baik sangat. Everytime aku stress or what ke en...
Dekat sekolah, nanti aku pergi jumpa dia. 

And I remember the day waktu aku stress dgn someone tu, kawan aku lah. 
Hm hm, aku lari dari kawan kawan aku waktu kat MUFAZ.
That time, aku solat alone. 
Tak jumpa dorang.
Feel like, y know? 

Dah habis solat tu, aku duduk again. lonely T_T 
Sedih betul waktu tu :'/ 
Nobody come to me. 
Hahah okay. And then, I ask someone to call her.
Yeah, someone called her. 
And then she came to me. 
I used to tell evrything to her. 
EVERYTHING. and dia faham gila kat aku. 
Lepastu kawan aku tu datang terus pukul aku. Ftw?!
Lepastu dia ckap, eh janganlah pukul dia. 
Omg omg baiknya :') okay dah. cukup. 

We used to have chemistry hahah.okay dah merepeks.
She's there whenever I'm sad, in problems,
and everything. 

Well, I said this then, 
as my to-be-listener friend and she guide me omg omg. 
Thanks everything Nazifah :'D 
